Keto Chocolate and Peanut Butter Birthday Cake

So my husband’s birthday was last week and he’s been really sticking to his keto diet lately.  I decided I wanted to spoil him and make his birthday as keto as I possibly could.  So I made keto deep dish pizza (that will be a different post) and also a keto-ish birthday cake.  It’s -ish because really, chocolate has carbs even when it’s unsweetened.  So I found a keto chocolate cake recipe from Headbangers Kitchen on YouTube (the guy makes a lot of great recipes, so definitely check out his channel) and also a low carb peanut butter butter cream frosting from Sugar Free Mom.  Then I decorated it with some Atkins peanut butter cups just for kicks and grins.

I couldn’t find my 8″ spring form so I had to go with the 9″ which made for a flatter cake for sure, but it was still super tasty according to my husband.  Next time I might even try for a smaller form that the 8″ so I can slice it and layer some peanut butter frosting between the layers.

Nutritional information is for the cake and frosting without the peanut butter cups.  I also used unsweetened baker’s chocolate and just sweetened it with Sucralose to help keep additional carbs down.  And really, the carbs on 1 slice are ok for an indulgence once in a while.

Keto Chocolate Cake


  • 200 g dark chocolate (85% or higher)
  • 100 g butter, cubed
  • 100 ml Cream
  • 4 eggs, separated
  • 4 tbsp Truvia or equivalent no-carb sweetener (I used a pinch of Sucralose)


  • Butter an 8″ cake tin. Break the chocolate into even pieces.
  • Add the butter and microwave in short bursts till the chocolate is melted.  You can also do this over a double boiler.
  • Add the cream and sweetener and mix thoroughly.
  • Add the egg yolks, one at a time, mixing until just combined.
  • Whisk the egg whites separately with a pinch of salt just until stiff peaks form (careful, do not over beat).
  • Fold the egg whites into the chocolate mixture in thirds gently until no white streaks remain.
  • Bake at 325 F for about 45 minutes or until the rest of the cake is set but the center just jiggles.  Bring to room temperature then chill for at least 4 hours before serving.  This also freezes really well.

Sugar Free Peanut Butter Butter Cream Frosting


  • 1/2 cup sugar free organic peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup powdered Swerve sweetener
  • 1 stick butter, softened


  • Blend ingredients in a stand mixer until smooth.
  • Does not need refrigeration if you are using right away. If you do refrigerate you will need to bring it room temperature for a few hours on the counter or microwave it to soften it and be able to spread easily on a cake.

Nutritional information for 1 slice (Serves 8)

Calories 504.53
Total Fat 49.24 g
Total Carbohydrates 12.20 g
    Dietary Fiber 0 g
Protein 9 g