Alton Brown’s Overnight Oats

So was browsing Facebook the other day and THIS jumped out at me!  It sounded like the perfect post workout carb  with some minor modifications.  Alton Brown’s original recipe can be found on the Food Network site.  I’m posting the macros for the original recipe for those interested.  I made a double batch and split mine into 12 servings as opposed to the original which would have been 8 servings per double batch.

The flavors are warm and rich and sweet.  And the best part?  It was EASY!

I seriously need to get some better pictures of this dish though.  It does not do it justice.


  • 2 cups steel cut oats (I used Irish)
  • 1 cup dried Craisins (I used the 50% less sugar)
  • 1 cup dried, chopped dates
  • 4 cups water
  • 1 cup Carbmaster milk (Can be found at any Kroger store)
  • Sweetener to taste (I used pure sucralose)
  • The following spices to taste: pumpkin pie spice, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt


Put everything in a crockpot.  Cook on low for 8 hours.  Serve and enjoy!

My modifications

Calories 157
Total Fat 2 g
Total Carbohydrates 34 g
    Dietary Fiber 7 g
Protein 4 g

Alton Brown’s version

Calories 305
Total Fat 5 g
Total Carbohydrates 66 g
    Dietary Fiber 8 g
Protein 5 g