
That’s me.  I’m buxom, and I love to bake.  I’m by no means a professional baker, merely an average woman who loves to be in the kitchen.  I’m also a huge fan of the color pink, as I’m sure you can tell.

I’ve been baking since I was a teenager and over the years I’ve become quite adept at it.  That being said, I’ve definitely had some failures along the road.  Learning how to bake in high altitudes has been especially interesting.  Within the last year, I’ve also started to venture into the decorative frosting area.  It’s been fun!  People ooo and aaaaaah over something that’s relatively simple to do once you get the hang of it.  Total ego trip.

I’ve also started to bake low carb thanks to changing my lifestyle, which has been a challenge all its own.  But completely worth it to tell you the truth.  It’ll never take the place of full-fat, real butter or real sugar, but hey, it’s an almost guilt-free delight that we need from time to time.

This website is dedicated to sharing my baked goods recipes and also photos of them.  They are a collection of recipes that I’ve found on the internet and tried.  Anything I share on this site I’ve made and can guarantee that it tasted good for us.  I also have some main dishes that I’ve concocted that I’d like to share.

So browse around and I hope you enjoy making these treats as much as I did!

~ Veronica